

We live in a sick world where people get kidnapped like nobody’s business. It is sad that it’s becoming normal for people to just disappear because not a single day will pass by without any reported case of a missing person. It’s a sad reality that people are at a boom stage where they need to be extra careful when they are out because you don’t know who is next to be kidnapped again. However, it looks like there is an evil spirit roaming around us because most of the people who get kidnapped are later found with some of their body parts missing.

May be an image of 1 person, standing, outdoors and brick wallIn that matter, a family is pleading with society to help them find a couple who went missing on Wednesday, December 14. According to the report, the partners, Mr. Makhangeni, who is 35 years old, and Ms. Nokuphila, who is 22 years old, live together in their home at Vanderbijilpark. It is said that the lady is heavily pregnant, so they are expecting a baby soon. The couple’s disappearance was discovered when Mr. Makhangeni did not arrive at work; a colleague attempted to contact him but was unable to reach him; he then called his cousin to check on him, and the cousin went to check on him at his place; unfortunately, neither the couple nor their car were present. And the missing person’s case was opened on Monday, December 19.

This is a terrifying case to follow because lately it is becoming the norm that a missing person case turns into a murder case, despite the fact that the statistics of South Africa roughly record between 60 and 90 missing person cases per month. I pray and hope that the couple is found safe with their unborn child. At this point, we shouldn’t think of the worst, but should stay positive and help the family find their loved ones.

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