I am that woman,God has shown mercy after 3 years of trying, I survived the delivery room after 17hrs of been there…my twin baby boys arrived safely
To all the expectant mothers,safe delivery to you all,to all the TTC,you shall share the same testimony as mine..
This is awesome, it is only Women that can fathom the magnitude of this miracle.
During waiting period, women go through a lot, starting from series of questions, has it enter ? Etc.
Some times name calling from friends and family members, infact it is never and easy experience. Some times after conception some times you hear medical cases like ectopic pregnancy, fibroid, miscarriages etc
y’all can agree with me that, the joy every mom it’s her child. Having your baby at the end of this journey is a great miracle that can’t be taken for granted.
Definitely what God cannot do does not exist, it doesn’t matter the situation.

Congratulations to you mommy twins your home is blessed. To all the awaiting mom’s out there get ready to carry your child.