A Deputy Principal was beaten to a pulp by the community after he was caught sleeping with a learner at his school.
The 52-year-old deputy principal who is accused of having s*x with a student claimed he was in a relationship with the student.
He is alleged to have sexually assaulted two girls at a school where he previously served as principal, according to Sowetan Live.
Videos of the bloodied and battered man, who was attacked by the girl’s family and angry locals, show him responding to inquiries about his relationship with the teenager.
He is heard admitting that although they had sex, he did not force the 19-year-old.
He continues by saying that the teenager visited him at his house over the weekend after he returned from church. He later refuted accusations that he had raped or had sex with the girl.
Her family went looking for her after she didn’t home.
According to Mike Maringa, spokesperson for the Limpopo Education Department, the allegations are serious and require immediate attention. He said that an investigation was being conducted to ascertain the truth.
He said that the deputy principal had been placed on preventative leave until the investigation had been completed.
Due to the girl’s denial that she had been raped, according to police, no case had been opened. The deputy principal has not opened a case.