Enbattled celebrity doctor, Dr Nandi Magudumana made another appearance in court recently. The well known doctor is in court for a string of charges after being arrested alongside her convicted rapist and murderer boyfriend Thabo Bester in Tanzania in a case that has rocked South Africa. Dr Nandi could be seen wearing black and a red lipstick at the proceedings. This is a far cry from the Dr Nandi who used to wear hoodies when during her earlier court appearances.

One thing that has been consistent though is the shackles on her ankles. For me personally this is unnecessary. Dr Nandi has endured a lot of scrutiny, public judgement, embarassment and commentary as a result of this case despite the fact that she hasn’t been convicted of anything.Putting her ankles in chains is humiliating and makes her look like a common criminal. It is extremely unlikely that she could try to escape with armed police all around her.
Why humilliate her after all she has endured by putting her in chains for all to see?