
Melita Left Mzansi Talking After She Dumped Mr Kgomo In #SkeemSaam

Ivy told Mr Kgomo to put on the diamond necklace around her neck but Mr Kgomo was bored and disgusted by his wife’s action. Mr Kgomo bought the diamond necklace for Melita who is one step away from leaving him.

Mr Kgomo had to pretend that he is happy for what he doing for his wife Ivy. Ivy went straight to Melita and showed her what Mr Kgomo bought her. Melita did not like it and she was heartbroken. She went to confront Mr Kgomo about it and broke things off with him.

I think Mr Kgomo is now getting obsessed with Melita. He needs to know that he is married and his bank account keeps on getting lower just because he wants to impress Melita. Mr Kgomo should not feel bad because Ivy took the necklace.




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