

Today I took the best & foolishness decision ever😔, I went to Modisha High School, asked them if I can come n do my matric for the second time, remember I did my matric in 2019, luckily the Principal didn’t give me hard time, he agreed.
Right now I’m on my way to Giyani to buy uniform n other staff, really can’t wait for my first day at school yoh I’m nervous.
Remember I’m doing this for me, my future, pride won’t take me anywhere, a wiseman always changes his mind.
#Matric2023 ” Pitlu K. Mapitlula

I went back to do my matric 2019 and I completed 2017 I’m telling you that was the best decision I ever made ♥️that decision change my life completely this year I’m doing my last year at varsity big up my man 💪 remind yourself everyday why you went back

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