
“Witchcraft is Real”- This Man Started Being Mentally ill Just After His Graduation, See Photos

Back then, when we were young, black parents used to tell us that whenever something good happens in your life, don’t tell anyone because now everyone wants to see you doing good with your life. African people are known for witchcraft; they use their spells to curse your life and stop you from being successful. That’s one of the reasons why you hear many parents say, “Don’t post your success on social media because you will be bewitched.”

But nowadays, children no longer follow their parents’ guidance; they post everything that happens in their lives on social media. Recently, there has been a trending story that people believe is the result of witchcraft, the story of a man who started being mentally ill just after his graduation. Many people think this is the work of witchcraft; they believe that this man was bewitched, which is why he lost his mind.

The identity of this guy was not disclosed, but he graduated from the University of Limpopo not so long ago. Those who know him say he was one of the coolest guys who were always clean, but now he’s always messy and he sleeps in the streets. His story is one of the most heartbreaking; it must be very painful for parents to send their child to university with hopes that he will be something great, only for him to lose his mind near the finish line.

We are living in a cruel society where people don’t want to see the next person be successful. What is even more painful is that the people who bewitch you are those who are close to you. To all the people out there, let’s not abandon our parents’ guidance; stop posting your successes on social media because some people don’t want to see you doing well. Out of everything, don’t forget to pray for protection because God is our only refuge.

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