
Meet The Bodyguard Who Was Shot With Dj Somebody, His Name Is Sbu

Being a bodyguard can be very much risky. Once you become a bodyguard to someone you sign up for your life. You can lose yourself in the process of helping your boss or protecting your boss. This young man lost his life before his time because he was protecting his boss.


He is the one who was driving the car which Dj Somebody was in. During the shooting they made sure that they kill everyone who was in the car. He also lost his life and this is very much painful.

He was identified as Sbu and he seems like he was bouncer and it was his job to protect his client. When your time to die has come you can never know. At times you die for someone’s sins that they committed. This was a plan and the people who planned it made sure that they finish the job. No one can identify the suspects. Let us hope that justice will prevail so that their families will have peace.

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