

Musa Mseleku and Makhumalo’s traditional wedding was a strange and unsettling affair, filled with ominous colors, eerie music, and uneasy guests. But as the celebrations went on, people couldn’t help but notice something a little bit different about this particular wedding. For starters, the couple had decided to incorporate many strange customs and ceremonies that are usually not associated with traditional weddings. Instead, they chose to focus on the things that were most important to them: their obsession with each other, and the manipulation and control over their family and friends.


UOne of the most striking things about the wedding was the way that the couple seemed to be almost possessed by some dark force. Their eyes were glazed over and their expressions were blank, as if they were not in control of their own bodies. This was a disturbing symbol of their unhealthy relationship, and it set the tone for the entire celebration.
UThe wedding, which took place on the 12th of January, was a beautiful and colorful traditional affair that turned into a fashion show due to its distinctive color theme. Musa took to his Instagram timeline to express his displeasure with Makhumalo’s decision to divorce him and his three other wives as punishment for supporting their sister’s spouse. Using Instagram as his platform, he wrote: When you made the decision to come and join the Mseleku’s when you were 18 years old, our ancestors were happy because of you, Mzilikazi. Thank you. Thank you to INdlunkulu MaCele and MaYeni for allowing her to join the family as a sister wife. MaNgwabe, thank you for your unwavering support, and thank you to INdlunkulu MaCele and MaYeni for allowing her to do so. We will be obliged to you for the rest of our lives.

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