
RHODurban Star Sorisha Naidoo’s Age In Question

A robust discussion has been brewing on social media from yesterday over the Real Housewives of Durban star, Sorisha Naidoo. Naidoo, who has warmed scores of viewers hearts this season over her new found attitude is being scrutinized for her age.

Sorisha Naidoo remains one of the most loved housewives this season of the Real Housewives of Durban. Evidently, Naidoo has transitioned tremendously from almost being almost a pushover, being in her quite girl era to being the outspoken, unapologetic and very confrontational individual.

Ever since season 3 commenced, Naidoo has been trending on social media after each and every episode for always ripping the viewers a new one, and in a good way. However, yesterday her real age was brought to question when TV personality Asisipho Burwana, inserted claims that Naidoo is in fact 33 years-old.

“Sorisha is 33 years old to be exact” wrote Asisipho Burwana

Sorisha is 33 years old to be exact

— Asisipho Burwana (@Shoun_B) March 15, 2023 “}” data-trix-content-type=”undefined”>

Burwana proceeded to suggest of knowing Sorisha Naidoo personally, to justify the claims over her age. Truthfully, this also begged the question if Naidoo’s biography on the internet is all bogus or not.

“I know Sorisha personally, you guys only know her on TV.” wrote Asisipho

I know Sorisha personally, you guys only know her on TV. 👍🏽

— Asisipho Burwana (@Shoun_B) March 15, 2023 “}” data-trix-content-type=”undefined”>

According to Wikipedia, Sorisha Naidoo is 46 years-old, and she was born on the 24th October, 1976. Which is one of reason why scores of tweeps were caught bamboozled, when claims that Naidoo was actually in her early thirties. In their numbers, more tweeps collectively joined hands to rubbish the claims that Naidoo was 33-years-old.

“You People love rich folks so much you even lie about their age. Mxim” wrote Just Rochelle

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