
RIP| She sadly passed away on the same day with her baby

RIP| She sadly passed away on the same day with her baby
By Augustus_tee (self media writer) | 2 hours ago

Death is one of the things that are certain in this lifetime, each and every one of us know that it will come, we may not know the time and the date but we know for sure that one day it will come.

Death is unpleasant and it leaves a lot of pain and grief to those that are left behind. It does not care about age, it can come to anyone irregardless of their age.

The past few days social media learned about the death of a young Doctor, Dr Eva Seoke who sadly passed away on the same day with her new born baby.



According to the source, Dr Eva allegedly died while delivering her baby or after the delivery of her baby.

The funeral notice was written that Dr Eva’s baby, baby Kano was born on 14/01/23 and the baby passed away on the very same day, 14/01/23.

Picture below:

Dr Eva was born 16/06/1990 and she passed away on 14/01/23.

Dr Eva was 32 year-old and baby Kano was born on the day that she passed on, both mother and child sadly passed away on the same day.

It heartbreaking that none of them survived.

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