

The Bible promises that there will be a day when death is no more and that all the dead will be raised to live and love again. This verse is the only one I know of that might give someone hope again after losing a loved one. The loss of a loved one is one of life’s greatest tragedies since the void they leave behind will never be filled. We can’t predict our own deaths, but there are many signs we choose to ignore. This is a feature of the hereafter we call death. Quite a few folks feel like this is their big break right now. Therefore, it is not surprising for a dying person to act in unusual ways. Some people, before passing away, make it a point to notify everyone they’ve ever wronged.

Regardless of this, there is a woman who broke many people’s hearts when she tweeted her boyfriend’s final words to her. Her boyfriend was hospitalized after a few days of feeling ill. On the day he would leave this world forever, they had a video chat. She even shared screenshots of their video chat, making it clear that the guy had a terminal disease. During the video call, he appeared to be quite sick and to be breathing via a drip.

Immediately after they finished their video chat, she sent him a message asking whether he was okay. He said that he is not fine and that he is dying. Since he was unable to keep his vital signs up, he told her to be ready for a call from the hospital alerting her that he had passed away. He told her he loved her and that he would make sure all her wishes came true in paradise. The hospital called the woman a few minutes later to tell her that her partner had passed away. It came completely out of the blue and ended abruptly.

This poor woman is suffering terribly as a result of his passing. She has been flooding all of their social media with photos and videos of the two of them. Even now, it all seems surreal to her. She admitted that she had been messaging him for laughs, expecting him to respond and expose her ruse. The sight of this crushed the hearts of many people. Even if you don’t personally know the girl, her story is touching. To help her feel better, her friends and family have been sending her reassuring texts

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